Fact Sheets
- The New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault
- What is Sexual Violence?
- Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights
- The Victim’s Assistance and Survivor Protection Act
- Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates
- Supporting Survivors
- Primary Prevention: Community Level
- Creating Safer Campuses
- Healthy Masculinity
- Healthy Relationships
Intended for community members and stakeholders, these short and informative resources provide an overview of concepts and offer resources for individuals interested in learning more:
- The New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault
- What is Sexual Violence?
- Also available in Spanish
- Addressing Sexual Violence Within Relationships
- Also available in Spanish
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Also available in Spanish
- Campus Sexual Violence
- Men as Allies in Sexual Violence Prevention
- Media Literacy
- Understanding & Supporting Men as Survivors of Sexual Violence
- Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates
- What is Sexual Harassment?
- Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights
If you would like to request our factsheet(s) in a language not seen above, please contact afountaine@njcasa.org and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Please contact info@njcasa.org if you would like to use NJCASA as a resource or table exhibitor at an upcoming event or conference.
Reports on Sexual Violence in New Jersey
Conducting an Accessibility Audit Report
In 2023, NJCASA launched a comprehensive internal accessibility audit, the findings of which will help streamline and improve equity-building practices in our organization. This report details key features of the audit, including data collection and analysis, creation of an accessibility charter, development of the audit template, and other actions and resources that have informed our work thus far.
COVID-19 Impact Report
Published in 2023, this report details how the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted and shaped services and identifies new practices and innovations for improving access to care. The findings of this report are informed by data shared by our Community Council, membership, programs, and community partners.
Centering Survivors: The Report from NJCASA’s Sexual Violence Needs Assessment
Published in 2021, this report overviews results from NJCASA’s statewide Survivor Survey and Stakeholder Survey to better understand the lived experiences of survivors-victims of sexual violence in New Jersey
“It’s Everywhere, It’s Everything:” The Report of NJCASA’s 2020 Survey on Sexual Harassment & Misconduct in New Jersey Politics
Published in 2020, this report overviews sexual harassment and misogyny in the New Jersey political realm. The report is informed by over 500 respondents and includes recommendations on how to build safer spaces for everyone working and volunteering in New Jersey politics.
Who Are We Serving? A Statewide Review of Sexual Violence Services in 2019
Published in 2020, this report details the state of sexual violence service provision in New Jersey in 2019 and provides recommendations for improving service delivery.
Guided by emerging research, these resources are designed to inform best practices for addressing and preventing sexual violence. Please contact info@njcasa.org with questions or comments.
- Engaging Individuals in Active Bystander Behaviors
- Partners in Prevention: Early Childhood Educators & Professionals
- Exploring Empathy’s Role in Promoting Positive Social Change
- A Bright Future: Addressing Campus-Based Sexual Violence
- Supporting Institutional Prevention: Working with Schools and Youth-Serving Organizations
At the Intersections
In At the Intersections, NJCASA explores the root cause of sexual violence: oppression. Through blog posts, info graphics, and social media content, we break down how racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, white nationalism, and other -isms all contribute to sexual violence. Learn more >>
NJCASA’s approach to preventing sexual violence focuses on primary prevention, or stopping violence before it occurs. Learn more about our approach to prevention with our teal paper on primary prevention and fact sheet on primary prevention versus risk reduction.
We all have a role to play in preventing sexual violence – whether at school, in the workplace, or at home. The NJCASA C.A.R.E.S. campaign simplifies sexual violence prevention and offers concrete tips for creating safer communities.
NJCASA’s media literacy curriculum, Gender and Violence: How Media Shape Our Culture, provides adolescents and young adults with the tools needed to critically evaluate and analyze media messages.
- Learn more about media literacy with our fact sheet.
- For more information on our media literacy curriculum, email info@njcasa.org or request a training by contacting a New Jersey sexual violence program.
Media Toolkit for Professionals
Media reporting on sexual violence is a critical piece in the puzzle of shifting public perceptions and cultural norms that allow violence to persist. Developed for media professionals and journalists in the field, NJCASA’s Media Toolkit explores language choices that will best inform readers about sexual violence and provides a contact list of local experts who can provide key insights. Check out the Toolkit >>
Please see our Laws & Policy page for legislative updates on policy affecting survivors and communities in New Jersey.