Who We Are
The New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJCASA) is the statewide advocacy and capacity building organization that represents New Jersey’s 21 county-based sexual violence programs and the Rutgers University – New Brunswick Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance. In addition to our county-based programs, we also have in our membership a cohort of 8 culturally specific programs. Culturally specific services are created by and for specific cultural communities and provide support with an emphasis on the experiences and needs of survivors in such communities and with recognition of the cultural complexities and layered identities of every individual. In New Jersey, we have many incredible culturally specific services available for survivor of sexual violence.
Our Vision
We envision a world free from all forms of oppression, where sexual violence does not exist, and the dignity of every person is valued and respected.
Our Mission
NJCASA centers anti-oppression and anti-racist principles to eradicate sexual violence and support survivors and their loved ones by working collaboratively to promote equity, justice, and healing.
Our Guiding Principles
- Uprooting Oppression
- Dismantling Racism
- Centering Survivors
- Promoting Healing
What We Do
We provide customized trainings and presentations on sexual violence and related topics. Find out more.
We advocate for policies that are survivor-centered and informed by research and best-practice standards. Learn more about our legislative advocacy.
We collaborate with allies as we work to end violence and create safer communities. Contact us for opportunities to work together.
Annual Report & Financial Information
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, NJCASA remains committed to open financial transparency and regular updates about our work and impact. Our annual reports include information about each year’s trainings, events, fundraising, media opportunities, and more!
Financial Information
Contact Us
Phone: (609) 631-4450
Email: info@njcasa.org
NJCASA is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code of 1984, as amended.