Volunteer with your local crisis center


The work to end sexual violence requires all of us. Join the movement by volunteering with one of New Jersey’s local sexual violence programs.

New Jersey’s local sexual violence programs are always looking for compassionate volunteers to support survivors in need. Check out our fact sheet to learn more about volunteering as an advocate, and see below for available opportunities.

Local Volunteer Opportunities

Seeking volunteer Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates. Learn more about upcoming volunteer training opportunities here.


Seeking volunteer Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates. Learn more.


Seeking Volunteer Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates. Learn more.

Seeking volunteers for Domestic Violence Response Team and Sexual Assault Response Team. For more information, visit safeinhunterdon.org/volunteer.

Seeking volunteer Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates. Learn more.

Seeking volunteer Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates. Learn more.

For more information, contact the Advocate Coordinator at advocate@co.middlesex.nj.us or call our office at 732-321-1189 ext. 321.

Seeking volunteer Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates- training begins in Spring 2024. Learn more.

Seeking volunteers for Domestic Violence Response Team, Sexual Assault Response Team, 24/7 Hotline, and Legal Advocacy. Learn more.

Contact your local sexual violence program for more available volunteer opportunities.