Introduced Legislation Will Provide Training to Law Enforcement about Sexual Violence

Introduced Legislation Will Provide Training to Law Enforcement about Sexual Violence

Trenton, N.J. A new legislative effort, A2167/S1739, aiming to expand training about sexual violence for law enforcement, will benefit survivors of the violent crime in New Jersey.

The bill would ensure that law enforcement professionals receive training aboutresponding to sexual violence on a bi-annual basis. Current policy only requires officers to receive training while in the Police Academy. The bill was passed out of the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee last week.

As reported rapes in our state increase, its essential that we have a well-trained police community to help hold offenders accountable, saidPatricia Teffenhart, executive director of the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault.We owe it to our critical first-responders, and the communities they serve, to provide training that will expand their ability to most effectively respond to this violent crime.

The 2015 Uniform Crime report noted a40% increasein reported rapes in New Jersey.

The bill is sponsored by Reps. Johnson, Huttle, and Wimberly and co-sponsored by Rep. Rodriguez-Gregg.

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NJCASA continues to dream of and move towards a world free of sexual violence. As such, we remain committed to dismantling all systems of oppression,