International Women’s Day 2017: Be Bold For Change

International Women’s Day 2017: Be Bold For Change

Last year on International Women’s Day, we highlighted trends and shifts in gender parity across the globe.

This year’s, the International Women’s Day theme asks a simple question: How will we act boldly to make an impact?



We all have the opportunity to be a leader within our own sphere of influence – whether that is at work, at home, in a classroom, on social media, or anywhere else. Acting boldly can look different for everyone, but at its core is about courage: To call in friends and allies who may need self-reflection. To learn something new and get out of our comfort zones. To counter old ways of thinking with new paths forward. Making an impact in a bold way means being brave enough to try something new and discover how to make connections.

In recognition of International Women’s Day, here are some bold actions we can take to push back on oppression and violence against women*:

  • Read something | Learn more about how power-based personal violence affects our society and communities. Our new Resource page houses fact sheetsresearch-to-practice guides, and our full media literacy curricula, alongside archived webinars. Only have a few minutes? Take a look at our Sexual Violence 101 fact sheet to get started.
  • Write something | We all want to see safer, more just spaces – including digital spaces! You can help create a better comments section with positive insights and bystander behaviors. You can also leave notes of support on articles that push for gender equality, or write a thank you note/email to your favorite feminist blogger/writer.
  • Share something | Use the hashtag #BeBoldForChange to share your plan on social media and invite others to do the same. You can also submit your bold action on the International Women’s Day website.

While we recognize International Women’s Day today, real, sustained change takes continual effort. Let’s use today as a launching point – and continue to act as leaders tomorrow, the next day, and onward.

* AFFIRMING GENDER EXPRESSION: NJCASA recognizes each individual’s right to determine their own gender identity and expression. The use of gender-specific pronouns and language is not intended to exclude or assign an identity.

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Standing in Solidarity

NJCASA continues to dream of and move towards a world free of sexual violence. As such, we remain committed to dismantling all systems of oppression,