Giving Tuesday 2016 – Giving Back to Our Social Media Ambassadors

Giving Tuesday 2016 – Giving Back to Our Social Media Ambassadors

These are challenging times for allies and advocates in the anti-violence movement. Now, more than ever, NJCASA has been reflecting on the gratitude we have for each other, our member organizations, our supporters, and everyone who works tirelessly to end oppression and interpersonal violence.

This Giving Tuesday, we want to thank our Social Media Ambassadors (SMAs) for the critical role they play in supporting and expanding the discourse about sexual violence on social media. Since the inception of the SMA program in 2015, NJCASA has seen a steady increase in our overall Twitter and Facebook engagement. We are thankful for their dedication to creating safer online communities and promoting productive online conversations about rape culture, oppression, and sexual violence.

To express our appreciation and gratitude, we dedicate 2016’s Giving Tuesday to our Social Media Ambassadors, Mariel DiDato, Becca Elias, Brielle Parady, and Kristen Wilson. You help us elevate the voice of survivors and service providers and we thank you!

Please join us in giving our thanks to our dedicated Social Media Ambassadors and be sure to follow them on their social media platforms:

Mariel DiDato – TwitterInstagram

Becca Elias – Twitter

Brielle Parady – Twitter

Kristen Wilson – TwitterInstagram



NJCASA’s Social Media Ambassadors are selected through a competitive application process. SMAs are activists who use their own social media platforms to amplify the voice of NJCASA and elevate the online discourse about issues relating to sexual violence. If you are interested in becoming a Social Media Ambassador, please check out the SMA page for more information on the program and a link to the online application.

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