Federal Data Regarding Reported Sexual Assaults on New Jerseys College Campuses: What do the Numbers REALLY Mean?
Earlier this week,data was releasedwhich highlights the number of sexual
June 9, 2016

NJCASA receives proclamation from NJ Senate President Sweeney for SAAM closing
On May 4th, 2016,New Jersey StateSenate President Sweeney and Senator
May 17, 2016

Celebrating a Successful 6th Annual SAAM 5K
NJCASAs 6th Annual 5Ks was a resounding success! NJCASA would
May 12, 2016

SAAM Wrap-Up 2016
To launch SAAM, NJCASAs Executive Director, Patricia Teffenhart,challenged usto make
May 5, 2016

Prevention is Possible: Middlesex County is Committed to a Community Without Sexual Violence
Middlesex County envisions a community without sexual violence and believes
April 29, 2016

Prevention is Possible: Rob Baran on engaging men and his passion for the movement
When I joined NJCASA as the Assistant Director last summer,
April 28, 2016

Joint DCF & NJCASA Statement on SAAM & Denim Day
Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Allies, April is Sexual Assault Awareness
April 27, 2016

Prevention is Possible: Jyoti Venketraman on Collaborating and Feeling Inspired
Happy SAAM everyone! As the Special Initiatives Manager for New
April 21, 2016
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Benefits of AI in the Anti-SV Movement: Debunking AI for Skeptics
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