Solange R. Ramkissoon
Survivor Services Specialist
Areas of Expertise
Survivor-centered advocacy
Sexual violence trauma
Public speaking & consulting
Leadership collaboration
Solange R. Ramkissoon holds both a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Forensic Psychology from the University of New Haven in West Haven, Connecticut. She also completed a graduate certificate in Victim Advocacy and Services Management. During her college years, Solange began her service-driven work — volunteering with homeless communities, youth programs, and nonprofit agencies such as Habitat for Humanity and Big Brother, Big Sister. She has held two internships within the criminal justice system that introduced her to and sparked her interest in the work of domestic violence & sexual violence agencies with local organizations. Those experiences then lead Solange to becoming a Safe House Advocate at Safe in Hunterdon, working with domestic violence and sexual violence survivors in New Jersey. She has held additional roles as the Sexual Violence Hotline Manager, a Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Manager, the Sexual Violence Advocate and Program Coordinator at Family Service League/SAVE of Essex County in New Jersey. Through her vast positions, she has been able to provide trauma-informed, culturally responsive crisis intervention services and lead others to assess and prioritize needs within the anti-violence movement.
Solange is extremely devoted to serving sexual violence survivors across all sectors within the State of New Jersey. She brings extensive experience and expertise to the Survivor Services Specialist role and will ensure that NJCASA’s work within sexual violence is survivor centered. In her role, she is responsible for sustaining sexual violence direct services across New Jersey, including Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates. She will be actively involved to creating a stronger presence of combating sexual violence by bridging the gaps and being connected to various organizations and communities through a sexual violence trauma culture humility lens. She will be a resource and pillar for professionals who work with survivors throughout the New Jersey. Her passion and commitment to the anti-violence movement is something that drive hers to being a beacon of strength for the coalition when advocating for survivors statewide.