Do you work or volunteer in New Jersey politics or government?
We invite you to complete a brief survey to help us better understand the prevalence of misogyny and sexual misconduct in the New Jersey political arena.
The following survey was developed by the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJCASA) as a complement to our Statewide Survivor Survey, which collected information from more than 400 anonymous survivors of sexual violence in 2019.
Results from this sector-specific survey will be used to inform and develop policies and procedures to better serve survivors and victims of sexual misconduct in the political arena—whether in the State House, political campaigns, lobbying, or the areas in-between.
Want to preview the survey questions first? Take a look here >>

Please note that while the survey does not have fields to collect identifying information, such as your name or your phone number, any information you enter into the survey should not be considered confidential. Results from the survey may be used in the aggregate in public presentations and for policy development.
If you have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace and would like to file an official report, you can file a charge of discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or a complaint with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights.
If you would like to speak with a confidential sexual violence advocate about your experience, please call New Jersey’s 24-hour sexual violence hotline at 1-800-601-7200.
This survey will close at midnight on Sunday, March 15, 2020. For questions or to report technical difficulties, please contact NJCASA at info@njcasa.org.